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The Future

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: The Future

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Future

I was having a conversation over the weekend about all the things we
"had" to do as a kids. You know, the chores, taking care siblings,
working part-time, or running a business. (If you think long enough,
you probably have a neice, nephew, son or daughter that runs their own

I can recall being a stock-boy, cashier, waiter, bartender (the rules
were very lenient in the Virgin Islands), and the occassional farmer
& garbage man. I wore many hats and I learned something from every
job I've ever held.

So, when many who are in their late-30's, such as myself, think about
the "next generation" we may think about them being raised by MTV, BET
and 24-hour sports (ESPN) and quickly cast them aside and label them
"soft". That may be partly true, but we've also allowed the "Next
Generation" to make excuses and not know what it means to "loose".

"Lossing" is a good thing and it teaches life-needed lessons! We
can't win all the time, and that's a lesson better learned at a young
age. Don't get me worng, I'm not proposing that parents stop
encouraging their child or children to play, have fun and strive to
win, but guess what? The kids are keeping score, as it's one of the
most innate things that we human beings do....keep score!

We need to continue to encourage a child to do their best, and it's OK
to let them loose so that they can grow up to become better, well-
rounded adults who strive for greatness, all the while knowing that
it's unattainable.


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