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Cellphone: Banned While Driving in MA! When?

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: Cellphone: Banned While Driving in MA! When?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cellphone: Banned While Driving in MA! When?

I'm waiting for the day that Massachusetts passes a law that will ban
people from holding a cellphone to their ear while driving.

There have been more than a handful of occasions when I've had a near
head-on accident because the other driver refused to get off the phone
while attempting to turn a corner that required both hands.

Maybe with the increase in accidents that involve a driver that was
talking on a cellular telephone while driving, the local Senate will
realize that a law is long overdue? Maybe, just maybe, fining people
at least $25 for the first offense and upwards of $100 will help put a
dent in the State's deficit?

Recently in California, Maria Shriver was spotted by paparazzi
holdng a cellphone while driving her SUV. This comes on the heels of
her husband and California's Governor, Arnold, signing a law into
effect, banning the use of handheld cellphones while driving.

Read the article at:

So, maybe we can push Governor Patrick to pass such a similar law, and
that way he can make statements such as Arnold did about making his 16-
year-old daughter, "take the bus" if caught breaking the law.


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