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"X" marks the spot!

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: "X" marks the spot!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

"X" marks the spot!

On this election day, I'm hardpressed to believe that we're going to see the 28% voter turnout that so many people are hoping for.

When I went to vote at Worcester East Middle School, an officer whose detail was making sure no riff raff entered the polling station, mentioned that,"just by appearance, it looks like more people have turned out to vote, but no where near the amount that folks are expecting."

Isn't it ironic that whenever election day rolls around, it seems to rain? I guess there are politicians somewhere in Worcester County doing a rain dance, which is very different from "makin' it rain", a common expression in today's rap music, which involves throwing around a lot of cash without a care in the world.

So, now that the sun has peeked out from behind the clouds, get off your behind and cast a vote; vote for someone that has ideals and a vision for Worcester that fall inline with yours.

Just Do It! (Isn't that what some footwear manufacturer from Oregon encourages us to do?) Don't sue me NKE, I'm just the messenger, shading-in the oval bubbles on the ballot!


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