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No. 4477: It's time to Enforce it!

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: No. 4477: It's time to Enforce it!

Friday, September 26, 2008

No. 4477: It's time to Enforce it!

From Drop Box
Living in a city such as Worcester causes folks such as myself, who have lived in various parts of New England and the world, to shake my head in amazement and oftentimes will induce a chuckle or smile that warrants an "odd" look by those standing near me. Well, from this point going forward, I will no longer chuckle, smile or shake my head! There I wrote it and I'm sticking to it.

You may be asking, what's got Dee in such a fuss? Well, it's very easy and it's all the darn folks that drive around the City of Worcester with their cellphone plastered to their ear!!

Earlier today, while driving through the down pour on Route 20, I was almost side- swiped by a tobacco chewing, confederate flag sticker affixed to the rear bumper driving, while talking on a cellphone driver who couldn't slow down or get off the cellphone long enough to properly check their side-view mirrors. Thank goodness Mother taught me to be a "defensive" driver and to, "watch out for all the horrible drivers that happen to be on the road." Mother is always right.

If you're not familiar with No. 4477, the law was passed by the House on January 23, 2008, and in a nutshell the law regulates the use of certain communication devices while operating a motor vehicle.

While the law may have garnered attention due to dissuading teenagers from texting while driving, by being hit with fines, it does ban the use of hand-held cellphones and other electronic devices.

So, the next time you see me coming and you're talking on your cellphone, do like the New Yorkers do and quickly put away the cellphone!

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