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Black Education: Cambridge Police missed that class

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: Black Education: Cambridge Police missed that class

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Black Education: Cambridge Police missed that class

When I heard the news about Henry Louis Gates, Jr.'s arrest, I immediately recalled meeting the great professor at Bryant College, now a University, in the fall of 1993. Then, I was quickly enamored by his wit, ability to command a room, and for a man that stands all but 5-feet 7-inches tall, he was a BIG man in the sense of intellect and compassion.

I could only imagine and wondered out loud what it was that Mr. Gates, Jr. did that would warrant him being arrested by Cambridge Police? When I heard the news that one of his neighbors, and I use the word "neighbor" loosely, called the Cambridge Police Department to report a possible break-in taking place at a house in Cambridge.

I truly wonder, what would I have done, had I been questioned by police offers while standing in my house having just returned from an overseas trip?

As I prepare to watch Black In America 2 tomorrow night, I think the issue of "profiling" is thrust into the frontal lobe when many think that because the United States of America has a bi-racial President, there no longer is a need to discuss racism, sexism, or any other "ism" that exists.

The entire issue should make great dinner time conversation and certainly the City of Cambridge has some damage control to be done.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neighbor eh?
If you paid attention to the clip, it stated "a passer-by".
Let's hope that one day when a someone starts kicking a house door in your neighborhood, you have the commonsense to call the cops too.
What sense does it make to argue with a cop huh? Whether one is white, yellow, or black - they'll loose.
And what does this have to do with profiling?
Seems some folks just don't enough of playing the racism card. You too.
You sure you ain't related to Mcfarland from the T&G?

July 22, 2009 at 4:14 PM  
Blogger Dee Wells said...

Thanks for posting a comment Will W.W., but it was not "a passer-by" that called the Cambridge Police Department, it truly was a neighbor that has lived two houses down from the house that Mr. Gates, Jr. lives in.

Also, it does make sense to "speak" with a cop, because just because he or she has a badge, doesn't make them a "ruler". If you're not willing to speak-up for yourself, then no one WILL.

Racism is not a "card", and, quite honestly, we all play "our card" when it's convenient. Not knowing your background or history, if you stop and really think of how you've maneuvered out of a sticky situation, you've "played your card", whatever that card may be.

I'm not related to Clive McFarlane, but I can say that sometimes Clive writes within the lines, for which I can't agree with, but appreciate his opinion, because, as we know, opinions are like assholes, and everyone has one.

July 22, 2009 at 4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neighbor, a technicality but...

Ya gotta problem with "the man with the badge" eh? Regardless of skin color, when in the presence of a cop there's one rule - shut the fuck up.

"Ruler". So you did study with Gates then. You really do have issues man. Oops, I mean dude.

"Speak up for yourself"? Gates sure knows something about eh? Like going ballistic. Oh sorry I forgot, he was tired. So, gotta cut him some slack huh? If a cop comes to my home I can scream at him - right? Fuck decorum.

Played a card? Not that I've ever had the honor of meeting Worcester's finest, if I were to, then I'd apply some common sense, like shut the fuck up.

July 24, 2009 at 7:04 AM  

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