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Driving in Worcester

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: Driving in Worcester

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Driving in Worcester

There must be something in the air or maybe it's the three-continuous-
days of rain, but I was almost hit twice this morning while taking my
daughter to school.

While sitting at the light on Lafayette Street, waiting to make the
left turn onto Southbridge Street (you know the intersection: you,
too, have almost been t-boned by drivers speeding and not paying
attention on Southbridge St. or maybe you drive by Hurricane Betty's
and shake your head at folks either walking in or out at quarter of
ten on a weekday.) I saw, to my right a white vehicle speeding that I
knew was going to run the red light. So I stopped.

Now the light is green and I proceed to make the left turn and out of
the corner of my right eye, I see an olive green vehicle speeding and
it, too, ran the red light.

Luckily for me, my mother taught me to drive and always stressed, "I
know you can drive, but you have to watch-out for all the other folks
on the road. You have to be a defensive drive." Thank you Ma!


Blogger Jeff Barnard said...

Sometimes, Dee, I swear that light goes green for both directions!

March 31, 2010 at 4:32 PM  

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