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Elections: Voting

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: Elections: Voting

Monday, October 26, 2009

Elections: Voting

When it's time to vote next week, I wonder if many people enter the
booth already knowing who they're voting for?

I'm the type of voter that typically does, but this year I've, so-
called, "left the door open". Not that I don't know what the
candidates's platforms are, rather I want to see if anyone digs deep
and truly states what they plan to do and what can be changed, within
reason, of course.

In speaking with some people this weekend, many had already made up
their mind and knew who they were casting their votes for. I
appreaciate their feavor and wondered, aloud, why. Some could go on
for days on what the candidate would bring to the table, whole others
simply stated that they were voting for a particular candidate because
of the candidate's "name recognition". Interesting in that water-
cooler conversations still take place (watch out for that H1N1 and use
a cup) and people are still influenced by their peers and word-of-


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