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Worcester Is MAJOR!™: Palingate

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


When I received this week's Newsweek Magazine, I immediately saw the
cover and said, out loud, "Palin is going to have an issue with this
picture". Talk about having a Bart Simpson-sized cow over a picture
that was posed for, and taken over a year ago, being used now that
she's on the book tour.

Shoot, just to know that the Associated Press has dedicated 11 AP
writers to 'fact check' her book is absurd enough, when they should be
checking what's going on with health care takeover costs and Sheik
Mohammed's trial, etc.

When did Sarah Palin become so important that the AP didn't fact-check
Rudy Giuliani's or Newt Gingrich's political books?

Well, let's be honest, Palin is a political hot-button and Newsweek
Magazine and the Associated Press, as well as any other struggling
publication knows, that if they put Palin on the cover, newsstand
sales will spike.

Palin is a political pop culture icon, and I'm sure 3-years from now,
she'll be written about or in the news even more than she is today.


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