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Memorial Day: Grateful

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: Memorial Day: Grateful

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day: Grateful

Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, is often viewed as the "unofficial" start of summer.

Many have the day off from work and school, and few give "thanks" for the men and women that have made the "ultimate sacrifice" for the country that we call home.

We are free to make decisions and exercise our "free will", all the while knowing that there is collateral damage: women and men have died that allow us to live as we do today.

We can all agree that in life, we human beings, individually, will achieve various levels of power and accomplishments, but we all die and our legacy will live for a short period of time. 

Yes, some politicians, actresses, athletes and other so-called celebrities's death may have an impact on a large number of people, but their life is just as important as the family that sees their son dispatched to fight the war in Iraq or Afghanistan.

So, today, I say thank you to all the people that serve in the military and everyday I give "thanks and praise" for the life that I have and the people that worked to provide it.

Thank you!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um… smacks of some pretty lame hyperbolic patriotism from an immigrant (Jamaica right?)
who never sacrificed a day of his life in the US military and who couldn’t possibility understand what that means to those who have. A foreigner whose sole sacrifice to making America his home was the payment of a handful of dollars to acquire US citizenship; deriving all of the benefits of citizenship that Americans of every race, sex, creed, and political thought – including the racists you so despise – paid for through personnel and sometimes the ultimate sacrifice.

All it cost you was money. Ironic huh?

June 1, 2010 at 10:02 AM  
Blogger Dee Wells said...

Thank you for your comment WWW.

I can tell that you haven't read my blog and probably "just skim read it".

No knock to the immigrants that have made their way to the United States, but from birth I have been a US citizen, born in the US Virgin Islands.

Yes, I never served in the military, but know the sacrifices directly since my father served in the Navy, an uncle in the Air Force, and countless relatives that served in the Marine Corps and Army.

Their memories live within me.

Thank you for stopping by and keep the comments coming.

There's a place at the table for haters, because in death we get to meet each other face-to-face and have those deeper conversations.

June 1, 2010 at 11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um... place at the table for haters huh? Best lay off the Jesus juice friend.
Read you blog... um... you're right and there's a very good reason for that.

June 1, 2010 at 12:55 PM  
Blogger Dee Wells said...

I do drink the so-called "Jesus Juice" and do enjoy it.

I enjoy reading your blog because it's a perspective that many people have and I wonder what some folks who can move elsewhere, choose not to.

What's your story?

Maybe when you're ready or confident enough to pull back the veil then people will see the reall you. Scary, huh?

Haters are like assholes........they do serve a purpose.

June 1, 2010 at 1:21 PM  

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