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Reality tV: Boston Med & Wicked Summah

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: Reality tV: Boston Med & Wicked Summah

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Reality tV: Boston Med & Wicked Summah

Boston in getting two reality television shows, one has already been filmed and is in the can and the other Wicked Summah, which begins filming next month, is going to bring a luster to Boston as bright as the State's golden dome.

Ah, there's never a dull moment in Massachusetts.

Boston Med, which airs on June 24th on ABC, will be about Boston doctors from Mass General, Children's Hospital, and Brigham's and Women's, getting their scrub on in a good way.(Get your mind out of the gutter, at least for a second.)

The 8-episodes of Boston Med feature a facial transplant that will blow your mind.

Wicked Summah
, will begin filming in mid-July and let's just say that Cape Cod will never be the same for this Jersey Shore-like spinoff. Be a part of the show by going here.

Now, other than the BoyBand premiere, when is Worcester going to get its own reality television show? Oh, how could I forget, that show airs every Tuesday night on local television.

I propose the following name for the City Council show: Wicked Pissah Worcester!

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