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Silly Bands: Fittin' to be banned?

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: Silly Bands: Fittin' to be banned?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Silly Bands: Fittin' to be banned?

The rubber bands are everywhere and, of course, there are a number of "knock-offs" that have popped up all over the world and certainly right here in Worcester.
What am I referring to?  They are the silicon rubber bands aptly named the Silly Bandz.

Remember a few years ago when it seemed like everyone and their grandmother was wearing Crocs?  I know you remember the Crocification of the United States.  Well, the Silly Bandz trend is even more popular than Crocs and they don't cost as much as a pair of the rubberized, hideous-looking slides.

I knew they were BIG when my daughter came home from school one day, miraculously with 4 of them attached to her right wrist. 

Later on that afternoon while running errands, we were at Lincoln Plaza and she asked if we could go into AC Moore to buy some.  I agreed and was pleasantly surprised to find that a kid could buy a pack of 12 for $5.

Some of them are more limited than others and are available in cool shapes such as shoes, animals, genies and fish, to name a few.

What baseball cards or comic books were to me back-in-the-day, Silly Bandz are the in thing.  My daughter has traded a number of the ones she bought, and she even nabbed the elusive genie-shaped band that she had her sights set on.

Having grown in popularity all over the United States, so popular that a number of schools have decided to ban them because teachers call them a distraction, I wonder if Worcester will follow suit and ban them in Worcester Public Schools? 

In Boston, a number of schools have already made the move to ban them, but with the school-year coming to an end in a few weeks, I wonder if Dr. Boone feels it's too late to do something for this academic year or sees the Silly Bandz as just another passing fad?

Well, one thing is for sure, if you have children or grandchildren don't be surprised to see their wrists decorated with these rubber bands and trades brokered as if in some boiler room, investment house, on Wall Street.

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