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Social Media: Value vs. Hype

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: Social Media: Value vs. Hype

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Social Media: Value vs. Hype

Today, May 19th, marks a day that a social media company's stock--LinkedIn-- began trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

What some Wall Street estimators said was nothing more than a "bubble" reminiscent to '99 and 2000.....the thinking is what goes up, must come down.

LinkedIn opened with a stock price of around $45 per share and quickly jumped up to $125 per share. While the stock has settled, it currently hovering around $92 per share.

Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, put alot of trust in what CNBC said was going to be a historic day, and the company has superseded expectations.

Now, with LinkedIn going public, it's only a matter of time before Facebook looks to do the same.
But the question remains: Are social media companies a good buy or are they hype created by CEOs and board of directors looking to cash in on what we as human beings naturally do?

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