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Melting Pot: Not just a Milford dilemma

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: Melting Pot: Not just a Milford dilemma

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Melting Pot: Not just a Milford dilemma

When a person is faced with a dilemma, there are usually two solutions, but in the case involving illegal immigration the solution isn't so easily found.

Worcester has it's share of illegal immigrants who've made the City their home- looking for a better life and better opportunities- but they face a City that is both welcoming and not-so all at the same time.

I've been at Lowe's on Lincoln Street and noticed the fleet of "laddered trucks" of men looking for work or I've been on Main South and seen similar trucks.  I wonder if people are aware of them or if they even care what they're doing there? 

While these men are trying to work to provide for their family, there are folks that purposely 'prey' on them because they know they're here illegally and thus their voices aren't heard.  They suffer in silence, similar to a person who is in an abusive relationship and doesn't know how to "get out".

In the town of Milford, they are dealing with similar issues involving immigrants from South America. 

With the upcoming elections in November, the issue is taking center stage with the challengers Charles Baker(Republican) and Timothy Cahill (Independent) backing the Senate proposal while Governor Patrick signed-off on a budget that formalizes procedures and puts some standard operating procedures in place.  Governor Patrick, the incumbent, is catching some heat from folks because many believe he has been "soft" when it comes to enforcing the Legislature's budget on public benefits.

Again, the solutions to this dilemma are not easily found and the debate is only going to reach a fevered pitch in the coming months as we get closer to election day- November 2, 2010.  Another dilemma-filled day for some people.

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