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Legalize it and Tax it!

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: Legalize it and Tax it!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Legalize it and Tax it!

I'm not going to stand on a soapbox and attempt to pontificate that the legalization of marijuana would be the downfall of the United States of America.

Shoot, while growing up in the Virgin Islands, it seemed as if all of my parent's friends smoked marijuana (read: weed) and more than a few grew their own stuff.  With year-round warm weather, it made for an ideal setting.

I know more than a handful of people that reside in Massachusetts that smoke weed everyday in order to alleviate pain from Multiple Sclerosis, herniated disks, glaucoma, and cancer.

These are not bad people.  They certainly aren't "druggies" that walk around flaunting it or try to influence others to smoke.  They're people that have jobs, take care of their family, run successful businesses and, shoot, one is a millionaire that owns two blocks of prime commercial real estate in Boston.

When the subject of marijuana comes up in a conversation, I always smile because of my experience and knowledge of the stuff.  I wasn't taught to "fear" the stuff or not to try it because it would make me stupid.  If there was ever a drug that I was taught to "fear", it was cocaine.

Currently, in California's upcoming November 2nd election, they're going to vote on Proposition 19, the state initiative to control and tax marijuana.

Just last week, US Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the Obama administration would "vigorously enforce" federal drug laws against people who sell, distribute or grow marijuana for recreational use.

Holder's missive to the nine former chiefs of the US Drug Enforcement Administration stated:

"Let me state clearly that the Department of Justice strongly opposes Proposition 19. If passed, this legislation will greatly complicate federal drug enforcement efforts to the detriment of our citizens."

There were a number of people that rushed to echo Attorney General Holder's statement, Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, in particular, held a press conference that morning in downtown LA.
Prop. 19 would allow Californians 21 and older to grow up to 25 square feet of cannabis plants, and to possess up to an ounce of marijuana. It would also empower cities and counties to regulate marijuana cultivation and sales. Several municipalities are poised to do so if the law passes, with initiatives concerning taxation and regulation on the same ballot as Prop. 19.
As we wait to see what the November 2nd election holds for the state of California, one of two things will happen: (1) the initiative will be voted "Yes" and then the respective city and town attorneys will file an injunction again Prop. 19; or (2) Proposition 19 will be voted "No" and then a number of groups will attempt to file appeals, which will go no where and waste resources.

It's already being reported that in Los Angelese, City Attorney Carmen Trutanich has contacted the Department of Justice asking them to file an injunction against Prop. 19.

Until November 2nd.........many in LA are shouting, "Puff, puff, give!"

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but let's be real.

How many medical doctors would encourage--never mind PRESCRIBE--their patients to inhale dried leaves of any plant, cook their lungs and contribute to (more) cancer?

That's the part of the medical marijuana debate I can not get past.


October 21, 2010 at 10:45 AM  

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