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Worcester Is MAJOR!™

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: 11/22/09 - 11/29/09

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ballin' in ME and not The Woo

The Maine D-League team, the Red Claws, allows lobster fisherman
chance to catch tagged lobsters for tickets! Talk about great
marketing and branding!

Read the full story:

Honest Man!

I couldn't read what his sign said, but it didn't matter because it
was all about his Christmas-Patriots-inspired outfit!

The spirit of the Holidays lives within us ALL!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Daily Dose

I keep trying to remember to eat more fruit, but that doesn't happen

Lately, I've been getting my 'daily dose' from vitamins and while I
know that's not necessarily "all good", it's better than going without
and running the risk of getting the "Hinie flu" as I heard one 4-year-
old refer to the H1N1 flu.

Usually once a year I catch a really bad cold that knocks me in my
hinie for about a week, and I promise myself that I'm going to take
better care of myself, drink more water, exercise, and go to bed
before 1 am. I can easily do 2 out of 3 things, but the going to bed
earlier is a the hardest. Hey, I'm only keeping it real.

So, this is my message to you, get your daily dose of vitamins and
nutrients from fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water and get some