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Worcester Is MAJOR!™

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: 12/5/10 - 12/12/10

Friday, December 10, 2010

Put your affairs in order

Have you created a will or a living will? I haven't and I've been thinking about creating one. Not for any particular reason, other than knowing that when the good Lord calls me home, folks will know what "to do".

I guess you can always leave things "unfinished" or full of loose-ends, but I've been thinking more about my daughter's future and realizing that she won't have to worry about certain things.
One, for example, is Social Security. There won't be any for her because the Baby-Boomers, Generation Xers, Generation Yers and Millennials will have cleaned out the cupboards with their Regina's.

As the talk gets louder and louder about the tax cuts, health care reform and the extension of unemployment benefits, I see the writing on the wall. (Or in my case, in the mirror.)
Yes, I'm an optimist, but DAMN! The economy is more jacked-up than former Celtics small-forward, Antoine Walker, used to put up jump shots.

And, with the recent news regarding Framingham-based TJX stating that they're shutting down the A.J. Wright business, laying off 4,400 people, the picture looks more and more bleak.(I guess folks should have known something MAJOR was happening when they told top-managers to turn in their cellphones on Thursday before heading home for the day.)

So, as I reach for the telephone to contact an attorney to "draw up the papers", I can only hope that you're ahead of the curve, and already have your affairs in order?

Bear with me, I'm trying to catch-up.

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

NAACP: 'Drive to 50' (Worcester Reactivation)

The NAACP, whose roots are deeply intertwined in the fabric of Massachusetts, celebrated its 100-year Anniversary last year on February 12, 2009.

Today, with the heightened awareness of race and ethnicity, not only in the United States but the entire world, we need a platform to have conversations along these lines, and those involving the myriad of issues facing people from all walks of life.  The NAACP is a place where everyone is welcome and encouraged to discuss topics such as the economy, joblessness, homelessness and education.

At the dawn of the 20th century, a group of black and white people -- men and women, Jews and Gentiles -- issued "a call for a national conference on the Negro question."

Tomorrow, December 8, 2010, from 6-9 PM at the Crescent Cafe (located at 69 Canterbury Street) the NAACP Worcester Branch will be holding their "Drive to 50".  

Adult members - $30.00
Youth members- Ages 20 and Under - $15.00

This is an opportunity to reestablish the NAACP Worcester Chapter as a vehicle for improvement of the economic, educational, political and social justice status of people in Worcester. 

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