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Worcester Is MAJOR!™

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: 11/15/09 - 11/22/09

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Black Friday: The List part 2

The Black Friday list continues grow, and thus far this is the BEST list I've seen thus far.

Hat tip to Gizmodo for the list!

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Black Friday: The Power of the Internet ($)

Thanks to the power of the Internet, there are a number of sites where you can view the items that many stores such as Target, Best Buy, Sears, and Wal-Mart will be selling on Friday, November 27, 2009.

Here's a short list and feel free to add your links in the comments section:

Best Buy:
Office Depot:

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CNN Breaking News: Oprah

Oprah Winfrey confirms she will end her syndicated show in 2011.

Is this just a way for Oprah to boost viewership, or is she moving on
to do something 'bigger'?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

FCC: National Broadband Plan too difficult to become a reality

I guess the FCC is looking out for the BIG DAWGS, who state that a National Broadband Plan is not possible and would cost too much money.

When the Consumer Electronics Association, along with the CTIA, argue that the infrastructure would be too expensive of a cost to be incurred by every American, maybe these organizations do "have our back"?

President Obama, on the other hand, is still pushing for a plan that would put the power of the Internet in every American household and is willing to 'put the money on the table' by promising $20 billion.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Canada Gets IT (Palingate cont.)

When many folks refer to Canada, some refer to Canadians as "those folks north of America with the funny accents"(I better not hear anyone from Massachusetts speak such words).

Leave it to the CBC to show the incorrect Palin book jacket when discussing the former vice-presidential candidate.

Maybe, they do "get it" in Canada? (And maybe, just maybe, Massachusetts residents need to take some oratory lessons from our sisters and brothers from up North.)

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Newspapers, take note!

News is news, is news. Yes it is, but many folks don't feel the need to pay for it. Many folks, myself included, get most of their news from the Internet and, frankly, I subscribe to The Boston Globe Sunday edition for the sole fact of receiving the coupons and keeping with a family tradition of reading the Sunday newspaper with my 9-year-old.

Some people say newspapers like the Telegram & Gazette are a dieing breed, while others think that there's always going to be a need for them. My thinking is the former.

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When I received this week's Newsweek Magazine, I immediately saw the
cover and said, out loud, "Palin is going to have an issue with this
picture". Talk about having a Bart Simpson-sized cow over a picture
that was posed for, and taken over a year ago, being used now that
she's on the book tour.

Shoot, just to know that the Associated Press has dedicated 11 AP
writers to 'fact check' her book is absurd enough, when they should be
checking what's going on with health care takeover costs and Sheik
Mohammed's trial, etc.

When did Sarah Palin become so important that the AP didn't fact-check
Rudy Giuliani's or Newt Gingrich's political books?

Well, let's be honest, Palin is a political hot-button and Newsweek
Magazine and the Associated Press, as well as any other struggling
publication knows, that if they put Palin on the cover, newsstand
sales will spike.

Palin is a political pop culture icon, and I'm sure 3-years from now,
she'll be written about or in the news even more than she is today.

Monday, November 16, 2009

NC: 5-year-old missing girl

N.C. searchers find body of missing 5-year-old girl.

Georgia: Princess Power=FREE

As more businesses jump on board with cross-promoting and marketing, it looks like ideas such as this have become more common-place.

The Georgia Aquarium is promoting The Princess And The Frog by encouraging all girls up to age 12 can get FREE admission if they wear their favorite princess costume to the aquarium on Saturday, Nov. 21st from 10 AM to 4 PM.

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Sports: Patriots Got Bum Rushed

When this week's Sports Illustrated arrived in the mail, I knew that
Sunday's game was going to be a defining one.

The Patriots, and particularly Coach B, made some good reads, while at
times they looked befuddled and nervous.

Now, let's see how they rebound and make a run for the playoffs, if
that's even possible at this point.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lights, Camera, Action

It's great to see that the Colleges of Worcester Consortium is rolling out a contest to get the students of Worcester involved in marketing the City, and not just "taking up space" as I overhead one lady refer to college students while talking loudly at PriceChopper.

This should be very interesting and if it were up to me, I'd make sure to include 'Da Face & the New Guy in a my video. Hmmmmmm.

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