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Worcester Is MAJOR!™

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: 9/12/10 - 9/19/10

Friday, September 17, 2010

Auto-Tune the News: Charlie Rangel, Weezer & President Obama

I have a little secret to tell you. Some years ago, a relative interviewed the creators of the app, I Am T-Pain, which happens to be one of the best selling mobile media applications available on iTunes.

So, when I saw the "Bed Intruder" video from The Gregory Brothers, I laughed and thought it was one of the funniest viral videos I had ever seen.

Well, leave it to The Gregory Brothers to remix and poke some fun at Charlie Rangel (Representative from NY), President Barack Obama and accompanied by Weezer.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Hip Hop lives in Worcester pt.2

Back on August 30, I posted that Worcester isn't known for being a Hip Hop center, but more and more artists are representing the City well and are putting Worcester on the map.

As promised, I told you to be on the look-out for Baige O'Bannon's music video and it just his website.

Here's the video to "2 Eazy", and be sure to download Baige's mix-CD "Nice to Meet You" from his website. (Follow Baige on Twitter.) 

BAIGE O'BANNON "2 EAZY" from baigeobannon on Vimeo.

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Put some rails on it!"

Years ago, when I worked in higher education, the debate regarding putting rails on bunk beds was a conversation that a number of folks around the nation, in Student Affairs, discussed, alot.  Yes, folks that hold Masters degrees in Higher Education, Psychology or even Counseling discussed whether it was necessary to put rails on student's top bunk to protect Antionette or Peter from rolling off their bed and injuring themselves or worse.

Every year, there are a number of students, whether drunk or sober, who fall from the top bunk and, luckily, there haven't been many serious head or bodily injuries.

This past August, at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, Donna Sykes, 49-years-old, who had been visiting her daughter, fell from the top bunk and suffered a fatal head injury.

This recent incident served as the spark that caused parents to ask whether the college/ university provided bed rails, while visiting campus this summer.

As the debate continues, I'll be sure to post updates and, who knows, maybe the debate is taking place right now at Worcester State University, WPI, Clark University and Holy Cross. 

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