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Worcester Is MAJOR!™

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: 5/15/11 - 5/22/11

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Social Media: Value vs. Hype

Today, May 19th, marks a day that a social media company's stock--LinkedIn-- began trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

What some Wall Street estimators said was nothing more than a "bubble" reminiscent to '99 and 2000.....the thinking is what goes up, must come down.

LinkedIn opened with a stock price of around $45 per share and quickly jumped up to $125 per share. While the stock has settled, it currently hovering around $92 per share.

Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, put alot of trust in what CNBC said was going to be a historic day, and the company has superseded expectations.

Now, with LinkedIn going public, it's only a matter of time before Facebook looks to do the same.
But the question remains: Are social media companies a good buy or are they hype created by CEOs and board of directors looking to cash in on what we as human beings naturally do?

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Monday, May 16, 2011

Fair Housing Project: Contract Work (Jobs)

Do you want to help end housing discrimination? Then the Fair Housing Project is interested in you!
Attend our next fair housing training and find out how YOU can help end housing discrimination.

When: Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Time: 10am - 2pm   

Where: Worcester, Massachusetts

Can I do it?

  • No experience necessary - we will provide training
  • You must be detail-oriented and good at following instructions
  • There is a limited time commitment
  • You cannot have a criminal record
  • You MUST have your own transportation and be willing to travel throughout Worcester County.

How do I sign up?

Please contact: Liza at (508) 752-3722 x 334 (sorry, we cannot respond to e-mails).

This is an independent contractor position for a non-profit organization.Compensation: $50 for training, practice test and debriefing; $10/hr for assignments.

The work that provided the basis for this publication was supported by funding under a grant with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The substance and finding of the work are dedicated to the public. The author and publisher are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements and interpretations contained in this publication. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Government.

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Building#19: I'd like the bench, please.

I've got a funny story to share with you!

It's been almost 11-years since I moved to Worcester, and when I did, I lived within walking distance of the Building #19, on Grafton Street.

You see, I love a "come up"! Allow me to explain: A "come up" is where you spend very little money for something that is perceived to be of good quality and value. OK, I totally made that up, but this is MY definition.

So, I frequently shop at Building #19, and have scored some unbelievable "come ups";Ralph Lauren pants and shirts for as little as $10, or Nike and Reebok sneakers for $12. My mantra is "if you're willing to hunt, then you can score some good stuff!"

About 2-years ago, when my aunt was starting a catering business, as a side-business, she needed some chafing dishes and Sternos to keep the food warm. The plan was to hit a few of the restaurant supply-like stores in Worcester, but something said to stop by Building #19. Low and behold, they had received a shipment if chafing dishes and cases, and I mean cases, of Sternos, so I was able to buy 6 chafing sets and a few cases of Sternos.

When I needed to buy Christmas presents for the office "swaps", you guessed it, I'd make my way to Building #19.

Well, amongst all my visits to Building #19, I have NEVER sat on the "Husband's Bench", but I always look at it and smile.

So, since Building #19 lost their lease, I feel that it's only right for Building #19 to give me a gift for my patronage over the years.

I'd like the Husband's Bench, please.

I'm not asking for alot. and I think the bench will make a great conversational piece in my office.
There it is, all tied up with a nice bow on top.

Building #19, just let me know when I can pick-up my "new" piece of furniture. Thank you.

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