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Worcester Is MAJOR!™

Worcester Is MAJOR!™: 9/5/10 - 9/12/10

Friday, September 10, 2010

New Things (Near Main St.)

If you've driven by the Dunkin' Donuts on the corner of Hammond & Main Street, you've seen that the place is closed and is under a MAJOR facelift.
The D&D is getting not only some Botox, but a new grill and a girdle that will suck in and sculpt it's new midsection.

Well, right next door is St.Peter Central Catholic School, who, through a major bartering deal, got a newly paved parking lot. It's beautiful!

If you didn't see the parking lot before it was resurfaced, it was a mess and driving into the parking lot could cause you to lose your lunch and then some.

In the coming 4-5 weeks, the D&D will reopen and all the people that have missed their morning or daily "pit stop", don't worry, they're coming back better and with more curves than a bottle of of Coke.(Make mine a Diet Coke, please. Thank you.)

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Intersecting Life

I know some people that avoid Kelly Square as if it were the the plague.

Whenever someone who isn't familiar with Worcester and happens to drive through Kelly Square, I love hearing their comments such as,"That intersection is CRAZY and people drive through there like they've lost their mind!" Yeah, that sounds about right.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Council Cuts

I read a few online posts this morning about proposed cuts that the City Council is discussing and actively pushing.
Knowing that Worcester's economic future continues to look bleak, this is a precarious tact to take: offer early-retirement packages with the hopes of saving money.
Whenever talks turn to saving money to pay for "general services", there is typically a group of people that are all for it.
The old adage of, "robbing Peter to pay Paul" always makes me laugh because inevitably, it's a scenario that causes more issues down the road that we aren't able to forecast or know what impact those decisions might have on other municipal services and the people that call Worcester their home.
Besides prayer and putting our trust in the Councilors, what else are we left to do? I can think of a few choice words, but I'm trying very hard not to curse.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Photographers: "Things We Project"

The "Things We Project" exhibition is taking place on Saturday, Sept. 18th at the Sprinkler Factory, 38 Harlow Street, located in Worcester.

With more than a few decades of appreciation for photography, I love looking at a picture and trying to grasp what it was that the photographer was capturing when they framed the picture and captured that moment in time.

On the 18th, the 6-person exhibit will highlight the work of Jeff Hanes, Nicole Chan, Scott Erb, Dana Lnae, Steve Stearns and Cynthia Woehrle.  You can find out more details about the event by visiting the Things We Project website here.

The event is free and open to the public from 7:30 to 10 pm and is only taking place on Sept. 18th!

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